Xbox Game Pass 近日追加、終了ラインナップ Xbox Game Pass 2020.11.03 記事内に広告が含まれています。 【新規追加】 10/27 Carto 10/29 Day of the Tentacle Remastered Five Nights at Freddy’s Full Throttle Remastered Grim Fandango Remastered Unruly Heroes 11/5 Celeste Comanche (PC) Deep Rock Galactic Eastshade Knights and Bikes 11/17 Ark: Survival Evolved: Explorer’s Edition 【近日終了】 11/15 Darksiders III Darksiders III (PC) Munchkin: Quacked Quest Tracks – The Train Set Game Tracks – The Train Set Game (PC) The Talos Principle The Talos Principle (PC)