旧正月セール開催中! (~2/6)

Xbox セール情報 1/21~1/27 (THQ Nordic & Handy Games セール、etc)



ゲーム 価格
Mists of Noyah
1150円 → 920円
SlavicPunk: Oldtimer
2100円 → 1470円
ディズニー エピックミッキー:Rebrushed 6600円 → 3300円
統合されし謎セット 16800円 → 1680円
AEW: Fight Forever 5200円 → 2080円
Airhead 2400円 → 1200円
Alone in the Dark 5200円 → 3120円
Biomutant 5150円 → 1287円
Colossal Cave 2350円 → 1175円
Cozy Grove 1750円 → 875円
Defend the Rook
1750円 → 700円
ELEX II 7600円 → 1850円
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning 5200円 → 1300円
Outcast – A New Beginning 5200円 → 3120円
Rise Eterna War
1200円 → 300円
The Pedestrian
2200円 → 550円

Deals with Game Pass (~1/27)

(1/21~1/27 Game Passメンバー限定)


ゲーム セール価格 割引率
Aery – A Journey Beyond Time ¥575 50%
*BioShock Infinite ¥2221 70%
Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 ¥1750 50%
Colossal Cave ¥1175 50%
Cozy Grove ¥875 50%
Defend the Rook ¥700 60%
Electrician Simulator ¥1175 50%
Far Cry 5 + Far Cry New Dawnデラックスエディション バンドル ¥1944 85%
*Flashback ¥257 75%
*From Dust ¥385 75%
GINSHA ¥1470 30%
IMMORTALS FENYX RISING – ゴールドエディション ¥2087 75%
Lesson Learned ¥575 50%
Mists of Noyah ¥920 20%
Rise Eterna War ¥300 75%
Ruinarch ¥1740 40%
*Sid Meier’s Pirates! ¥220 80%
SlavicPunk: Oldtimer ¥1470 30%
The Dragoness: Command of the Flame ¥1527 35%
The Pedestrian ¥550 75%
The Surge 2 – Premium Edition ¥1040 80%
Tin Can: Supporter Edition ¥1300 50%
*Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2 ¥257 75%
インフィニ ¥247 75%
チャイルド オブ ライト ¥479 70%
フェアリーエレメンツ ¥660 50%
フロントミッション ザ・ファースト:リメイク ¥2000 50%
フロントミッション セカンド: リメイク ¥2000 50%
笑顔の錬金術師 ¥770 50%
聖戦クロニクル ¥726 45%



ゲーム セール価格 割引率
Aircraft Carrier Survival $4.99 75%
*BioShock $7.99 60%
*BioShock 2 $4.99 75%
*Duke Nukem Forever $3.99 80%
Hasbro Family Fun Pack – Super Edition $14.99 75%
*Mafia II $7.49 75%
Rabbids Invasion : The Interactive TV Show $4.99 75%
*Rayman Legends $3.99 80%
Risk: Urban Assault $5.99 60%
*Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution $7.49 75%
*The Darkness $3.99 80%
*The Darkness II $5.99 80%
*Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier $4.99 75%


THQ Nordic & Handy Games セール (~2/3)

(1/21~2/3 全員対象)


ゲーム セール価格 割引率
AEW: Fight Forever ¥2080 60%
AEW: Fight Forever – 各種DLC 40%~55%
Airhead ¥1200 50%
Alone in the Dark ¥3120 40%
Alone in the Dark – Digital Deluxe Edition ¥3930 40%
Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? ¥1000 75%
Biomutant ¥1287 75%
Biomutant – Mercenary Class ¥87 75%
Chicken Police – Paint it RED! ¥587 75%
Chronos: Before the Ashes ¥937 75%
*Darksiders ¥486 75%
Darksiders Warmastered Edition ¥612 75%
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition ¥937 75%
Darksiders III ¥1300 75%
Darksiders III – Deluxe Edition ¥1637 75%
Darksiders 3 DLC Bundle ¥475 75%
Darksiders Fury’s Collection – War and Death ¥1300 75%
DCL-The Game ¥1150 75%
de Blob ¥612 75%
Desperados III ¥1287 75%
Desperados III Deluxe Edition ¥1637 75%
Desperados III Season Pass ¥462 75%
Desperados III – 各種DLC 50%
Destroy All Humans! ¥2300 50%
*Destroy All Humans! (2005) ¥540 80%
Destroy All Humans! 2 – Reprobed ¥2575 50%
Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed – Costume Pack ¥330 50%
Elex ¥1034 80%
ELEX II ¥1520 80%
Endling – Extinction is Forever ¥1320 67%
Fade to Silence ¥975 75%
*Frontlines:Fuel of War ¥405 75%
*Full Spectrum Warrior ¥405 75%
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Director’s Cut ¥329 80%
Jagged Alliance 3 ¥3800 50%
*JUJU ¥972 50%
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning ¥1300 75%
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning FATE Edition ¥1787 75%
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning – Fatesworn ¥612 75%
Monster Jam Steel Titans Power Out Bundle ¥1490 80%
*MX Unleashed ¥486 75%
MX vs ATV All Out ¥975 75%
MX vs ATV Legends ¥1560 70%
MX vs ATV Legends – Deluxe Edition ¥3960 60%
MX vs ATV Legends – Ultimate Edition ¥3720 70%
*MX vs ATV Reflex ¥918 75%
Neighbours back From Hell ¥577 67%
Outcast – A New Beginning ¥3120 40%
PERISH ¥1762 25%
Rebel Cops ¥325 75%
Risen ¥1800 55%
*Sacred 2 Fallen Angel (英語版) ¥675 75%
*Sacred 3 ¥486 75%
SCARF ¥805 30%
SpellForce III Reforced ¥2080 60%
SpellForce III Reforced – 各種DLC 50%
SpellForce: Conquest of Eo ¥2670 40%
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated ¥1312 65%
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake – Costume Pack DLC ¥575 50%
*SpongeBob: Truth-Sq. ¥675 75%
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 ¥612 75%
The Dwarves ¥1262 75%
The Raven Remastered ¥975 75%
The Valiant ¥1280 60%
This Is the Police ¥625 75%
This is the Police 2 ¥975 75%
Titan Quest ¥780 80%
Townsmen – A Kingdom Rebuilt ¥1050 70%
Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy ¥2225 50%
Way of the Hunter: Elite Edition ¥4170 40%
Way of the Hunter – 各種DLC 40%
Wreckfest ¥875 75%
Wreckfest Season Pass ¥525 70%
Wreckfest Season Pass 2 ¥435 70%
スポンジ・ボブ:ザ コズミック シェイク ¥2317 55%
ディズニー エピックミッキー:Rebrushed ¥3300 50%



ゲーム セール価格 割引率
Aces of the Luftwaffe – Squadron $2.99 80%
Black Mirror $9.99 75%
Carmageddon: Max Damage $4.99 75%
*Conan $4.99 75%
Darksiders III – Blades & Whip Edition $15.99 80%
de Blob 2 $7.49 75%
*MX vs. ATV Alive $4.99 75%
MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore $5.99 80%
*MX vs. ATV: Untamed $4.99 75%
*Risen (2009) $4.99 75%
*Risen 2: Dark Waters $4.99 75%
*SpongeBob SquarePants Underpants Slam! $2.49 75%
*Stuntman: Ignition $3.74 75%
*The Outfit $3.74 75%
Titan Quest: Atlantis $4.99 75%
Titan Quest: Ragnarök $4.99 75%


パブリッシャースポットライトシリーズ (~1/27)

(1/14~1/27 全員対象)


ゲーム セール価格 割引率
A Knight’s Quest ¥580 80%
A Plague Tale: Requiem ¥2712 65%
Aeon Must Die! ¥490 80%
Aliens: Fireteam Elite – 各種DLC 50%
American Fugitive ¥470 80%
Asterigos: Curse of the Stars ¥1640 60%
Asterigos: Curse of the Stars Deluxe Edition ¥2100 60%
Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand ¥3225 50%
Atomic Heart ¥4160 60%
Atomic Heart – Annihilation Instinct ¥804 33%
Atomic Heart – Trapped in Limbo ¥900 25%
Bassmaster Fishing ¥930 80%
Bassmaster Fishing 2022: Super Deluxe Edition ¥700 80%
Bassmaster Fishing: Deluxe Edition ¥1240 8%
Black Skylands ¥587 75%
BLACKTAIL ¥1155 70%
Bomber Crew ¥382 85%
Bomber Crew Deluxe Edition ¥638 80%
CATAN – Console Edition Deluxe ¥855 70%
CATAN – Console Edition: Complete Collection ¥1785 70%
Despot’s Game ¥587 75%
Embr ¥470 80%
Expeditions: A MudRunner Game ¥4192 35%
Far Cry 5 ゴールドエディション + Far Cry New Dawn デラックスエディション バンドル ¥2332 85%
Far Cry 6 Game of the Year Edition ¥4770 70%
Far Cry Primal – エイペックスエディション ¥1496 67%
Farworld Pioneers ¥437 75%
For The King II ¥2625 25%
From Space ¥555 70%
Graveyard Keeper: Last Journey Edition ¥1462 75%
GreedFall ¥1640 80%
GreedFall – The de Vespe Conspiracy ¥410 50%
Happy’s Humble Burger Farm ¥587 75%
Hello Engineer ¥700 60%
Hello Neighbor ¥875 75%
Hello Neighbor 2 ¥1860 60%
Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek ¥875 75%
Hellpoint ¥1025 75%
Hellpoint Ultimate Edition ¥1162 75%
Hotel Renovator ¥2250 40%
Hotshot Racing ¥470 80%
Human Fall Flat ¥750 70%
I Am Fish ¥705 70%
Insurgency: Sandstorm – Ultimate Edition ¥5362 45%
Insurgency: Sandstorm – 各種シーズンパス ¥3840 20%~50%
Isonzo: デラックス・エディション ¥1162 75%
Isonzo – 各種DLC 20%
Just Die Already ¥330 80%
Justice Sucks ¥587 75%
Kill It With Fire ¥437 75%
Kill It With Fire: Exterminator Edition ¥587 75%
Lawn Mowing Simulator ¥765 70%
Lawn Mowing Simulator – 各種DLC 50%
Lovely Planet ¥287 75%
Mayhem in Single Valley ¥437 75%
Monopoly マッドネス ¥987 75%
Mr. Shifty ¥437 75%
MudRunner – American Wilds Edition ¥910 80%
Not For Broadcast ¥725 75%
Othercide ¥780 80%
Party Hard ¥375 75%
Party Hard 2 ¥587 75%
Pathologic 2 ¥1025 75%
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator ¥940 60%
Punch Club ¥287 75%
Punch Club 2: Fast Forward ¥940 60%
Rhythm Sprout ¥437 75%
Secret Neighbor ¥587 75%
Shady Part of Me ¥630 70%
Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot ¥464 20%
SnowRunner – 1-Year Anniversary Edition ¥3100 50%
Space Crew: Legendary Edition ¥638 80%
SpeedRunners ¥287 75%
SpiderHeck ¥875 50%
Steep X Games Gold Edition ¥1036 80%
Streets of Rogue ¥587 75%
Surf & Turf Bundle ¥750 70%
Tannenberg ¥717 70%
The Ascent – 各種DLC 50%~80%
The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales ¥875 50%
The Council – Episode 2: Hide and Seek ¥140 75%
The Council – Episode 3: Ripples ¥140 75%
The Council – Episode 4: Burning Bridges ¥140 75%
The Council – Episode 5: Checkmate ¥140 75%
The Final Station ¥437 75%
The Surge 2 ¥960 80%
The Surge 2 – Season Pass ¥650 50%
The Surge 2 – The Kraken Expansion ¥375 33%
Thomas Was Alone ¥194 80%
Tinykin ¥725 75%
Train Sim World 5 各種エディション、DLC 30%~80%
Train Sim World 5: Sherman Hill: Cheyenne – Laramie 無料 100%
TramSim: Console Edition ¥1335 70%
TramSim: Console Edition – Deluxe ¥1575 70%
Trash Sailors ¥587 75%
Undungeon ¥587 75%
Verdun ¥598 75%
Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption Edition ¥2040 40%
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 – Gold Edition ¥10725 25%
Watch Dogs 2 – ゴールド版 ¥1680 85%
Watch Dogs: Legion – デラックスエディション ¥1590 85%
アバター:フロンティア・オブ・パンドラ – デラックスエディション ¥4480 60%
ゴーストリコン ブレイクポイント ゴールドエディション ¥2580 80%
ザ クルー:モーターフェス ¥2505 70%
ザ クルー:モーターフェス Cross-Genバンドル ¥2940 70%
ディビジョン ¥518 80%
ディビジョン2 ¥1400 75%
プリンス オブ ペルシャ 失われた王冠 ¥2800 50%
ライダーズ リパブリック スケートボードエディション ¥2087 75%
レインボーシックス シージ – デラックスエディション ¥987 75%


ゲーム セール価格 割引率
10 Second Ninja X $0.99 90%
Action Henk $1.49 90%
Beholder Complete Edition $2.99 80%
Cartel Tycoon $14.99 50%
Dovetail Games Euro Fishing $3.69 80%
Euro Fishing: Urban Edition $4.99 80%
Euro Fishing: Ultimate Edition $8.69 80%
Family Feud $9.89 67%
Fishing Sim World: Bass Pro Shops Edition $7.99 80%
Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour $3.99 80%
Graveyard Keeper $4.99 75%
Hasbro Family Fun Pack Conquest Edition $11.99 70%
Hue $2.99 80%
Instant Indie Collection: Vol. 1 $4.39 80%
Instant Indie Collection: Vol. 2 $4.89 80%
Instant Indie Collection: Vol. 3 $4.99 80%
Manual Samuel $1.99 80%
*Mars: War Logs $0.99 80%
Masters of Anima $1.39 80%
Nova-111 $0.99 90%
Phantom Trigger $3.74 75%
Pumped BMX + $0.99 90%
Pumped BMX Pro $1.49 90%
Serial Cleaner $2.99 80%
Smoke and Sacrifice $3.99 80%
South Park: The Fractured but Whole $8.99 70%
South Park: The Stick of Truth $7.49 75%
Stealth Inc. 2: A Game of Clones $1.99 80%
Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure $2.49 75%
The Catch: Carp & Coarse Fishing $4.99 80%
The Catch: Carp & Coarse – Deluxe Edition $5.99 80%
The Surge $2.24 85%
The Surge: A Walk in the Park $3.34 33%
The Surge – The Good, the Bad and the Augmented Expansion $3.34 33%
The Swapper $2.99 80%
The Swindle $1.49 90%
Ultratron $0.99 90%
Wheel Of Fortune $6.99 65%


Spotlight Sale (~1/27)

(1/21~1/27 全員対象)


ゲーム セール価格 割引率
Aery – Path of Corruption ¥632 45%
Aery – The Lost Hero ¥690 40%
Aery – Vikings ¥632 45%
Allison’s Diary: Rebirth ¥585 50%
Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers ¥1057 55%
Bakery Simulator ¥1000 50%
Beyond Doors (Xbox Series) ¥210 40%
Boundland ¥522 10%
Boundland (Xbox One) ¥522 10%
Bright Side: Riddles and Puzzles ¥232 75%
Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 – 各種DLC 20%~40%
Cryogear ¥1282 40%
Doodle Games Collector’s Bundle ¥1040 60%
Doodle God: Evolution ¥700 60%
Empire of Angels IV ¥822 65%
Factory Escape ¥348 40%
Farming Life ¥575 50%
Frozen Gauntlet ¥348 40%
Geometric Sniper Z ¥235 50%
Godsvivors ¥406 30%
HammerHelm ¥525 70%
Hidden Cats in Berlin ¥352 25%
Hindsight 20/20 – Wrath of the Raakshasa ¥445 75%
Little Kite ¥460 60%
Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia + Brawl Chess ¥117 75%
Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia + Cyber Protocol ¥115 90%
Magical Backpack ¥348 40%
Outbreak Silver Collection ¥2187 75%
Outbreak: Zombies For Days Collection ¥8190 30%
Restless Hero ¥460 60%
Rock ‘N Racing Grand Prix ¥345 70%
Run Sausage Run! ¥174 70%
Safari Pinball ¥140 60%
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One ¥840 85%
SokoNature ¥558 40%
Strike Team Gladius ¥330 70%
The Talos Principle 2: デラックスエディション ¥2625 50%
Time Of War, Arkano’90 ¥235 50%
Torii Guardian Bundle ¥805 30%
Trailmakers – 各種DLC 33%~50%
Varenje: ベリーとは話さないで ¥460 60%
サイバーコンプレックス ¥585 50%
『シャーロック・ホームズ:罪と罰』 + 『シャーロック・ホームズ 悪魔の娘』バンドル ¥404 95%
マーベル ミッドナイト・サンズ – 各種DLC 60%~75%
レゴ 2K ドライブ – 各種DLC 25%~60%
統合されし謎セット ¥1680 90%
涅槃:デラックス 版 ¥130 85%


ゲーム セール価格 割引率
Agatha Knife $2.99 75%
Assault On Metaltron $1.04 85%
Chess Gambit $4.99 50%
Doodle God: Ultimate Edition $5.99 60%
Doodle Mafia: Crime City $5.99 60%
Hard West Ultimate Edition $1.99 90%
Hollow $1.99 90%
MechaNika $1.49 75%
Pure Chase 80’s $1.99 50%
Sparkle 4 Tales $0.99 90%
Tiny Hands Adventure $1.19 85%
WeakWood Throne $1.24 75%
ZooKeeper $5.49 50%

